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How can public spending do better at improving wellbeing?
A new report, Value for Money, calls for a radical change in policy making and argues that policies should be judged using a cost-benefit analysis - including a comprehensive valuation of their effects on wellbeing.
A world re-drawn; a world in crisis; a moment in history; the agenda for growth and transformation
Nick Stern gave three lectures on how we can build a sustainable, resilient and equitable development for the 21st century, for the annual Lionel Robbins lecture series.
Kai Miele (University of Duisburg-Essen)
Omer Ali (University of Pittsburgh)
Luca Henkel (Erasmus School of Economics)
Bernardo Candia (University of California, Berkeley)
Francesco Capozza (Berlin School of Economics)
Paul Dolan (LSE), Gillian Tett (University of Cambridge)
Jinyang Yang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)
Junya Zhou (University of Texas, Dallas)
Alberto Prati (UCL), Claudia Senik (Paris School of Economics)
Richard Layard (CEP, LSE), Gus O'Donnell (former Cabinet Secretary), Amanda Rowlatt (former chief economist at the Department for Transport, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, and Department for Work and Pensions)
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