Visiting CEP
We welcome applications from academics, practitioners and research students who wish to visit the Centre for Economic Performance. Demand is high so we prioritise outstanding applicants, whose proposed research is highly relevant to the centre's research programme. We strongly encourage applications from underrepresented groups in economics research.
Visiting professors and fellows
We welcome requests to visit from distinguished individuals who are either academics or practitioners in other fields. Visitors are expected to engage with the activities of the centre, including seminars and contributing to the discussion paper series. Visits can be from one term up to one academic year.
How to apply: Write to the relevant Programme Director outlining how your research interests and activities will contribute to those of the centre. If the CEP Senior Management Team approve your request, CEP submits the nomination to LSE. The LSE approval process can take up to two months from the submission deadline, so please factor this in when planning your visit. For any queries, please contact Linda Cleavely.
Please note that these appointments are unpaid. We are also not able to provide financial support for visitors (including travel and accommodation).
Visiting research students
We welcome research students, who are registered as doctoral researchers at other institutions, to spend from one term up to one academic year at the CEP as a Visiting Research Student (VRS).
How to apply: Approach an economics faculty member linked to the CEP whose research interests are relevant to your own; send them your CV and an outline of your proposed area of research and confirm if they will act, in principle, as an advisor for the duration of your visit. The CEP's Senior Management Team will need to agree to your visit before you can apply.
For more information about the VRS scheme and application details, including the associated fees, please see: Visiting Research Student in Economics.