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Author: Jonathan Wadsworth

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Ghazala Azmat, Brian Bell, Jonathan Colmer, Antoine Dechezleprêtre, Swati Dhingra, Christian A. L. Hilber, Stephen Machin, Alan Manning, Ralf Martin, Alistair McGuire, Sandra McNally, Gianmarco I. P. Ottaviano, Henry G. Overman, Isabelle Roland, Thomas Sampson, Anna Valero, John Van Reenen, Jonathan Wadsworth, Gill Wyness and Gabriel Zucman

30 April 2015

Richard Dickens, Paul Gregg and Jonathan Wadsworth

June 2001

Paul Gregg, Genevieve Knight and Jonathan Wadsworth

October 1998

Paul Gregg and Jonathan Wadsworth

June 1998

Donna Brown, Peter Ingram and Jonathan Wadsworth

February 1997

Paul Gregg and Jonathan Wadsworth

June 1996