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International Economics Workshops

Spatial sorting, industry, and gender

Caterina Soto Vieira (LSE)

Wednesday 23 March 2022 11:00 - 12:00

This event is both online and in person

SAL 2.04, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Sir Arthur Lewis Building, LSE, 32 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PH

About this event

Employment and firms agglomerate in the business district of many cities across the world. The externalities generated by the agglomeration economies increase firms’ productivity and wages in these areas. However, the spatial distribution of employment varies for the different sectors of the economy. Considering the variation in gender employment shares across sectors, I investigate how agglomeration and industry are related to the spatial distribution of employment by gender. Using a matched employer-employee georeferenced dataset, I show that high-skilled women sort into low employment density locations. I propose a two-sector model, where sectors have different returns to agglomeration and workers choose which sector to work and the workplace amenities of where they work. In this model, the preferences for workplace amenities and sector are different by gender.

Participants are expected to adhere to the CEP Events Code of Conduct.


This event will take place in SAL 2.04, 2nd Floor Conference Room, Sir Arthur Lewis Building, LSE, 32 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PH.

The building is labelled SAL on the LSE campus map. You can also find us on Google Maps. For further information, go to contact us.

International Economics Workshops are part of the CEP's Trade programme.