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Capabilities, Competition and Innovation Seminars

Media capture by banks

Ruben Durante (National University of Singapore / UPF)

Thursday 14 November 2024 13:45 - 15:00

MAR 6.33, 6th floor, The Marshall Building, 44 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LY

About this event

We show that media slant news in favor of their lenders, exploiting data on news coverage of key financial events in major European newspapers and information on bank-firm loan connections. First, newspapers cover earning announcements by their lenders more (relative to other banks’) when they report profits than when they report losses. Second, newspapers cover more favorably bank M&As involving their lenders as acquirers. Third, newspapers connected to banks more exposed to stressed sovereign bonds tend to endorse a pro-banks narrative of the Eurozone crisis and oppose debt-restructuring measures. Across all events, less capitalized banks benefit more from slanted coverage.

Participants are expected to adhere to the CEP Events Code of Conduct.


This event will take place in MAR 6.33, 6th floor, The Marshall Building, 44 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LY.

The building is labelled MAR on the LSE campus map. You can also find us on Google Maps. For further information, go to contact us.

This series is part of the CEP's Growth programme.