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CEP Public Events

Royal Economic Society Conference

John Van Reenen (LSE)

Wednesday 03 April 2013 18:00 - 20:00

Various Venues

About this event

John Van Reenen, Tim Besley and Steve Machin present at the 2013 Royal Economic Society Conference

Royal Economic Society Conference, Royal Holloway

The 2013 Annual Conference of the Royal Economic Society was held at Royal Holloway, University of London from 3rd April to 5th April 2013.

John Van Reenen and Tim Besley presented findings of the LSE Growth Commission in  a plenary session at the Royal Economic Society. Discussion by David Smith of the Times and Richard Davies of the Economist, Chaired by Robin Burgess.

Download Session

John Van Reenen and Stephen Machin  presented a CEP/IFS Special Session at the Royal Economic Society on the Great Productivity and Jobs Mystery.

Read Overview | Download Session Papers



Participants are expected to adhere to the CEP Events Code of Conduct.


This event will take place in Various Venues.