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Pawel Bukowski.

Pawel Bukowski

Visiting Fellow

Expertise: labour economics, income and wealth inequalities, economics of education, spatial economics


Dr Pawel Bukowski is an Assistant Professor of Economics at University College London, School of Slavonic and East European Studies. He is a Visiting Fellow at Centre for Economic Performance at the London School of Economics (LSE) and a Faculty Associate at the International Inequalities Institute (LSE). He is also an adjunct at the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. He was a senior expert at the European Expert Network on Economics of Education of the European Commission. He has founded Dobrobyt na Pokolenia (Prosperity for Generations) - a Polish think-tak - and he is a member of Concilium Civitas - a group gathering leading polish social scientist.

Current areas of research include:

  • Labour Economics: the role of firms in wage determination; worker power and unions; wage inequality trends; gender discrimination.
  • Inequalities: understanding the evolution of national and sub-national economic inequalities, with special focus on Central and Eastern Europe; intergenerational social mobility; inequalities and conflict.
  • Spatial economics: cross-country comparable measures of income inequality; determinants of spatial inequality; geographic trends in returns to education.

