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CEP Public Events

Hosted with the Resolution Foundation and the Nuffield Foundation

Economy 2030 Inquiry

Pastures new

Various speakers

Wednesday 13 October 2021 09:30 - 10:45


About this event

Is lower migration the route to a new, higher wage, British economy?

Lower migration was always going to be a consequence of the vote to leave the European Union and Covid-19 has accelerated that change. The short term results include empty petrol stations and supermarkets' warning of a Turkey-less Christmas. But wages are also rising fast for HGV drivers and the Prime Minister now insists that weaning British business off its addiction to cheap foreign labour is the key to creating a new high-skill, high-productivity, high-pay model for the UK economy.

To what extent will lower migration feed through into higher wages or higher prices? Will productivity rise or output fall? Which people, firms and places will be most affected? How big a role does migration play in shaping the UK's economic model and will lower migration complement or harm the UK's wider economy strategy for the 2020s?

More information is available at


Alan Manning Professor of Economics at the LSE, CEP
Minette Batters President of the National Farmers' Union
Torsten Bell (chair) Chief Executive of the Resolution Foundation

Economy 2030 Inquiry Nuffield Foundation Resolution Foundation

Participants are expected to adhere to the CEP Events Code of Conduct.
