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Gill Wyness.

Gill Wyness


Expertise: economics of education, higher education finance


Professor Gill Wyness is Professor of Economics, and Deputy Director of the Centre for Education Policy and Equalising Opportunities (CEPEO) at the UCL Institute of Education.

Current areas of research include:

  • My main research area is the economics of higher education in the UK. I am currently working on a project investigating the impact of university bursaries on completion and performance using a unique dataset collected from UK universities.
  • Other research includes estimating the impact of higher education finance (fees, grants and loans) on university participation using quasi-experimental methods.
  • I have also been involved in a randomized control trial looking examining the effects of providing information on the costs and benefits of higher education on pupils' attitudes towards university. We find that providing simple information can improve knowledge and attitudes towards higher education finance.

