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Urban inequality: The role of urban amenities, housing, infrastructure

In addressing regional and urban inequality we need to understand that productivity is only one determinant of urban success.

Firms and households also consider the costs of living and the amenity differences when making the decisions that determine where we live and work.

Our existing research seeks to understand how institutions, such as planning, and economic forces, such as changing transport costs, interact to determine land use and to understand the consequences for firms and households.

We continue to look at the critical role of housing supply in keeping cities affordable and by doing so facilitating population growth in our more productive towns and cities.

Time spent travelling is a major cost for households living in our towns and cities, and we will use new data and theory to study the effects of transport investment on those costs.

Turning from travelling to shopping, we will also consider how we can better understand the decline of the high street and the reduction in community wellbeing that follows it – a question of considerable public concern yet understudied by urban economics.

Urban inequality: The role of urban amenities, housing, infrastructure publications

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