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Journal articles

Peer-reviewed academic papers by CEP researchers. Where possible, open access to these articles is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council.

All Journal articles

Stephanie Arcusa, Sergio Castellanos, Eugenie Dugoua, Morgan R. Edwards, Clara Galeazzi, Xue Gao, Michelle Graff, Ryan Hanna, Kathleen M. Kennedy, Eleftheria Kontou, Priyank Lathwal, Mirko Musa, Destenie Nock, Alejandro Nunez-Jimenez, Eric O'Rear and Michael R Davidson

15 December 2022

Lara Aknin, Bernardo Andretti, Jan-Emmanuel De Neve, Elizabeth W Dunn, Daisy Fancourt, Elkhonon Goldberg, Rafael Goldszmidt, John Helliwell, Sarah P Jones, Ozge Karadag, Elie Karam, Richard Layard, Anna Petherick, Shekhar Saxena, Ashley Whillans and Jamil Zaki

21 April 2021