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CEP Public Events

Hosted with LSE Public Events

Make wellbeing the goal

Richard Layard (CEP, LSE)

Thursday 26 November 2020 16:30 - 17:30


About this event

How can wellbeing become the focus of social science? How would this change economics and policy analysis? How would it change policy priorities for a post-Covid-19 world?

Post-COVID, can wellbeing be the guiding principle for public policy? Should it become the central focus for social science and for a broader version of economics? How would this alter public policy priorities?

This lecture is one of the Centre for Economic Performance's 30th anniversary events in 2020/21. The Centre will be holding a number of activities throughout the year, taking stock of the ground-breaking policy-focused research produced since 1990 and looking ahead to the economic and social challenges before us.

More information is available at LSE Events.


Richard Layard is Emeritus Professor of Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science, and currently heads the CEP's Wellbeing research programme
Alan Jope was appointed CEO at Unilever in 2019, and has worked for the company in North America for 14 years and in Asia for 13 years
Gus O'Donnell was Cabinet Secretary and Head of the British Civil Service from 2005-2011 and is currently Chairman of Frontier Economics
Baroness Tyler is the Liberal Democrats Lords Spokesperson for Mental Health.
Minouche Shafik (chair) is the Director of the London School of Economics and Political Science. Prior to this, she was Deputy Governor of the Bank of England.

This event forms part of LSE's Shaping the post-Covid world initiative, a series of debates about the direction the world could and should be taking after the crisis.

The Twitter hashtag for this event is #LSECOVID19

Participants are expected to adhere to the CEP Events Code of Conduct.
