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Urbanisation in developing countries

Economic growth and urbanisation go hand-in-hand and are critical to poverty reduction in a country.

Ultimately, cities provide both the lived environment and the work environment for most people in high- and middle-income countries and escalating numbers in low-income ones. Cities have the potential to reap major economies of scale and scope. But the gains from urbanisation are not automatic. Urbanisation requires three distinct investment processes: public investment in infrastructure, enterprise investment in productive capital, and household investment in housing and human capital.

It also requires institution reforms in land markets, to ensure private investments are protected from expropriation and can be financed and insured. The program studies the building of cities, the role of land and housing market institutions, and the role of infrastructure investments in the development of liveable and productive cities. It studies the geography of development, the growth of individual cities and the development of a system of cities as part of the urbanisation process and economic growth, as influenced by infrastructure investment, climate change, and national policies affecting land and capital markets.

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